Thursday, August 24, 2017

Haiti Helped Create Largest Revolt of Enslaved Africans in U.S. History. The “Independence Debt” with France and the Louisiana Purchase

Haiti Helped Create Largest Revolt of Enslaved Africans in U.S. History. The “Independence Debt” with France and the Louisiana Purchase
By Ezili Dantò
Global Research, August 24, 2017

Featured image: Jean Jacques Dessalines, president and then emperor of Haiti (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
So, sorting fiction from reality, which one is the “land of the free and the brave, the pioneers of human rights, freedom and liberty in the Western Hemisphere? Which nation didn’t make white folks 3/5ths human even after 300-years of brutal, rape and enslavement? But gave the few whites who fought alongside the African warriors, Haitian citizenship, full and equal rights?” Haiti, of course. 
The triumphant Haiti revolution triggered the selling to Thomas Jefferson of the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of the United States. Also, the second contingent of 20,000 soldiers sent by Napoleon to the Louisiana Territory for French control of all in the U.S. had to be redirected to go fight in Haiti after the Afrikan warriors, led by Desalin and the indigenous Haiti army, which Desalin called the “armies of the Incas,” decimated the first 50,000 French soldiers sent in 1802 and led by Bonaparte’s brother in law, General Lerclerc. Later, Desalin, Haiti’s founding father, declared, in the name of the slaughtered since 1492, “I have avenged America!”
This historical triumph of the enslaved Afrikans in Haiti – Black men, women and children – against the greatest and most well-armed European armies of the era – first the French, then Spanish, then English armies – a U.S. embargo and then Napoleon’s French armada, is what stopped the U.S. from possibly being conquered by the French, whose 20,000 troops were, at that point in U.S. history, larger and much more battle-experienced than the U.S. armed forces. Haiti’s win, helped make the U.S. the superpower that it is but it has been terrorized by the white tribes since its independence. President Thomas Jeffersonconspired with General Napoleon Bonaparte and the rest of the slavers and rapists nations to force besieged and embattled Haiti to pay an Independence Debt that was 10 times more than what Jefferson paid for the Louisiana purchase. Yet, Haiti’s land mass is as small as Rhode Island. Jefferson paid Napoleon $15million francs for the Louisiana Purchase which ended up creating, in part and whole, 15 new American states.
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Haiti, a country smaller than Rhode Island was forced, at the point of 300 gunboat cannons, to pay ten times that amount – $150million to France as reparations for France losing Haitians as their slaves. (After this debt help cost Haiti to lose the Eastern side of the Island now called Dominican Republic, the amount was reduced to $90million Francs)
It took Haiti 122 years to finish paying this 1825 slave-trade debt. This moral perfidy, after the Afrikans gave 300 years of FREE labor (1503-1804) to the European terrorists, slavers, rapists, plunderers and colonists. Haiti is not the poorest country because it still has vast riches, protected by the Afrikans, for over 200 years from the grasp of the hoarders. But, it is the most exploited nation. Its resistance continues to this day….as under Barrack Hoe-bama, his U.S. colonial “exceptionalism,” its pretensions and the disaster capitalism of the devastating 2010 earthquake, Haiti has presumably lost, without world scrutiny, nearly 30% of its landmass. This, through Bill Clinton’s HRC – U.S. sanction of puppet president Martelly decrees that gerrymander and gives away, to the corporatocracy, Haiti offshore islands and prime lands. Through the Clintons’ World Bank amendment to Haiti constitution, if not stopped, Haiti will loses control of its gold belt, shorelines, iridium, oil and gas reserves, all the Caracol zone and Haiti’s Northern and Southern deep water ports.
It simply cannot be over-emphasized, how there’s no one in power to protect the bullied, disenfranchised and brutally suppressed Haiti masses from the international crime syndicate, now in Haiti behind a humanitarian front, which is steadily extracting rare earth metal resources and mining gold on another earthquake fault line in Haiti – the Septentrional fault line in the North. (See also, The dangers of building garment factories next to one of Haiti’s most important marine national parks/a US $3.2 trillion mangrove and coral reef ecosystem and Tourism is not development)
The Independence Debt that Haiti was forced to pay France for losing the grangrans as property, caused such internal dissatisfaction and protest within Haiti, that the destabilization (along with a devastating 1843 earthquake in Northern Haiti) allowed space for the Eastern side of Haiti to separate into what is today known as the Dominican Republic. The Spanish immediately pounced to retake this landmass. On its part, the French terrorists returned to Haiti with the Independence Debt, which meant controlling Haiti economically and then ecclesiastical colonialism, which meant controlling Haiti education…. Haiti has yet to recover. And then they all returned, a world war to stop the Black masses’ celebration of the Haiti bicentennial, in 2004, with a popularly elected Haiti president.
President Aristide was and is the first and only Haitian president to ask France to return the Independence Debt.
For that temerity, Bush the lesser, unleashed his shock and awe military on an island nation with no military, that was no threat but merely wished peaceful co-existence. To live free and sovereign on lands paid for in 300 years of free labor, over 214 years in containment in poverty; a 60-year U.S. embargo; a 19-year U.S. occupation where the Marines carted out Haiti gold reserves in 1914 never to be returned; and 122-years of paying off an Independent Debt to France to be recognized as a free nation after slavery and winning our Independence in combat and losing half the Black population (250,000) in that revolutionary war. (See, Haiti: Until She Spoke and, Three Simple Èzili principles for a Just New World)
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article.

LE BLOG DE JOEL LEON.: Racism: The Burden of the United States, My experi...

Racism: The Burden of the United States, My experi...: Racism: The Burden of the United States My experience in an Orlando Resort, Florida Written By: Joel Leon “ Racism, because it f...

Racism: The Burden of the United States, My experience in an Orlando Resort, Florida.

Racism: The Burden of the United States
My experience in an Orlando Resort, Florida
Written By: Joel Leon

Racism, because it favors color over talent, is bad for business” Steven Pinker

Whatever your opinion is about Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton, two militant founders of Black Panther Party, society must recognize that they have brought a profound contribution to help millions to have a better understanding of racism. They’ve revealed two great aspects of racism in America: individual racism and institutional racism.

I was a victim of an act of racism in Florida yesterday, the city of Orlando, at a very popular, well renowned resort. I was vacationing with my partner, Dr Johanne Louis, the kids and the rest of the family. To tell the truth, the place was gorgeous: Golf course, Tennis courts, game room, pools and spacious, luxurious, good customer service, great people. On Tuesday August 22nd, we decided to go swimming, a usual daily activity here at the resort. The rest of the family left before me because I was watching the soccer game, opposing Napoli (Italy) and Nice (France), so I promised to meet them right after the game.

When I arrived at the pool, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. There were two asian women with their white partners, several white families were swimming with their kids comfortably, and I spotted my partner’s children in the pool among them. I went into the pool to also enjoy the time with the family. Suddenly, I realized that all eyes were focusing on me. I wasn’t intimidated but curious. I realized that all the white families started exiting the pool. At first, considering the fact that we were living in a “free country”, I didn’t associate it with nothing. By the way, I was vacationing with the woman that I love dearly, I was in a mental state that had little to see with negativity. I forgot for an instant that I was in the south. The controversial south. Later in the writing, I will share with you my humble opinion about the south of United States!

I am a native of Haiti, the land of freedom for all. I arrived in the country of Abraham Lincoln in January 1994, more than 20 years ago. I am very grateful to the Unites States, because I could be a dead man today if it wasn’t for the hospitality of US government.

After the coup of September 1991, Haiti was like a huge grave yard. The military and supporters were deliberately murdering people, most of them innocent, or simply they were defending their democratic rights. We wanted the return of democratic order in the country, meaning replacing Jean Bertrand Aristide in power, the ousted legitimate president. I was very active in that process as a believer in the noble democratic principles. The US government saved my life by facilitating my transition to their land. I am very grateful for that, although, the State department and CIA were directly involved in the coup plot.

I am a 6 feet and 4 inches tall, black man, 230 pounds, walking in the pool of this Grande resort, in the heart of the south among white folks. I didn’t pay too much attention to those around me, as I saw Johanne and her sister, Marjorie, were chatting at a table off the pool. I came, said hi in creole, and went straight to the pool. Because that was the purpose of being there, to swim. Suddenly, Johanne came to me with the usual captivating smile, and said “ don’t you see all the white folks are leaving the pool since you get in?”. Throwing a rapid glance, that was so true, they’re emptying the premises hastily. A big black man swimming in the same exact pool where “ authentic white folks” were having a good time, in the heart of the nostalgic south, is, of course, not too familiar.

As a writer/thinker, a color blind son of Haiti, that sad event would never leave me indifferent, especially right after the incident of Charlottesville, that left 3 dead. Sad event, unfortunately worsened by the Trump’s rhetoric condemning both sides, while it was evident the racists were deliberately attacking people. One thing I was really sure about after January 20th, the presidency of Donald Trump would exacerbate racial passion in America. I don’t believe that president Trump is a racist, a true capitalist can’t be racist, Donald Trump is the purest one. His angle transcends the small gumption of right and wrong, or black and white, angel or demon. His perceptive vision is crystallized in a single mental unit, profit and fortune. So, the perception of president Trump is about how to conclude deals, including with the devil. Regardless of his tweets and tough narratives, the final point will always be gaining profit.
It is sad, 17 years after the beginning of the 21st century, to see some folks so self-centered about their small little person in a world where diversity is more and more the definition of the life style is pathetic. I read a couple books about this great general from the south, Robert E. Lee:
“ How Robert E. Lee lost the civil war” (Edward H Bonekemper III)
“Clouds of Glory: The life and legend of Robert E. Lee” ( Michael Korda)
“Robert E Lee: A biography” ( Emory M Thomas)
I read many articles about him. In my own understanding, from October 12th 1870 (death of the general), to today, I believe the racists missed to interpret, in modern time, the true will of Mr Lee, which in fact was only, one country, one people, one land...He expressed that feeling when he said “It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it”. In vain search of hero to support the lost cause, the racists are altering the personal story of a great man.

While swimming, having a great time in a sweet/warm/superb water, some white folks chose to live hell off the pool at almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit. I stayed in there for a long period of time, I wanted to teach them a lesson. Except a couple of 2 old people stayed in with me, but isolated themselves to a small part of the pool, the negro was having fun. That must be terrifying!

While swimming, playing with the son of my beloved Johanne, Jayden, I was thinking how stupid to easily give up an ardent desire to have fun because of a big/tall negro. Like I stated earlier, I didn’t have intention to leave the pool, after around of 2 hours, timidly they’ve started to come back in the water, because the big/tall negro refused to give up on his desire to have a good time. Before I finally left, all of them were back in the water, I was laughing to experience how individual and institutional racism can make people stupid, missing out and empty of their humanity.

In conclusion, racism, bigotry, ultra nationalism...still have some long days left before we bury them once and for all.

Joel Leon

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Lebron Phenomenon!

by Joel Leon

Basketball, of course after soccer (the real football), is the most fascinating sport ever. I love the game! I had the chance to see Magic Johnson, Hakeem Olajuwon, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Charles Barkley, Dennis Rodman, David Robinson, Clyde Drexler, Michael the game at the highest possible level.
Those fabulous players invented moves, created impossible blocks, made unimaginable dunks...However, they respected the game. They work hard, they realized things that we were witness of the amount of sacrifices invested on the field to reach fame and glory. Unanimously, pundits, coaches, players, writers admitted that Michael Jordan was the most exceptional player who ever played the game. We expected to see the Michael Jordan’s myth would go on for at least another millennium. Here comes Lebron James!
The players mentioned earlier, never trivialized the game. Lebron James is doing exactly that right now.
Watching Lebron James playing basketball is like drinking a bottle of water. It’s the meeting point of where force and fineness conjugate their emotions to conquer greatness. He predicted victories, he made it happen; he went to Miami Heat to win championships, he made it happen; he went back to Cleveland Cavaliers with a promise to win championships for his native people, he made it happen. Lebron James is just invincible!
Some people think that basketball has become an easier game because of less physical contact. This may explain Lebron’s phenomenal domination of the game. From my point of view, it’s just evolution. He is just changing the narrative of the game.
Actually, basketball reaches its golden age when there is no place for the average player. It’s the genuine time line of the game. This is a historical moment, just like the end of the world, the beginning of the new one. Today’s players are making sure that nobody beats their legacy until mankind reaches the infinite. It’s like the renaissance in Europe after the middle ages era during XIV, XV, XVI and XVII centuries. The surge of envy, not just to create or invent, but a passion to cultivate beauty in the extended form of visibility and surrealism. The domination of the limitless perspective.
My focus is Lebron James, but I am taking a look at the NBA as a whole. Every single player is a three-pointer, blocker, re-bounder, passer...We’re talking about the dimension where the game is total, that allows the players to do and be everything. Stephen Curry, Isaiah Thomas, Russell Westbrook, Kevin Durant, Chris Paul, Blake Griffins, James Harden, Kawhli Leonard, just to name a few are reinventing the game in a direction that we never see or think before. Watching a game of basketball is like visiting an art gallery where the masters of art are having an exposition. This is where sport meets art.
Lebron James, from my perspective, is the most dangerous player in the game who’s making miracles happen on a daily basis. Even when he is not playing at his best, there is always a lesson to learn from his skills. The season is almost over. Cleveland is affronting Golden States in the finals for a 3rd consecutive year. Whatever the outcome, the eternity of the basketball will be reinforced and maintained.

Joel Leon
(Thanks to Jayden June and Johanne Louis)