Monday, August 11, 2014

Haiti Oligarch Clifford Brandt Smuggled Out Of Prison

Brief summary: Haiti oligarch Clifford Brandt, escapes prison…Sources sayBrandt was probably quietly smuggled out of the prison long before the prison break occurred. The very public “escape” narrative is the charade to make his absence official – look like an escape instead of a typical clandestine Haiti oligarchy mafia action…During questioning after his arrest (in 2012), the crime boss implicated the eldest son of the President of Haiti, Olivier Martelly, as part of his kidnapping ring, along with the sons of the country’s other billionaires…The facts are still coming in. People are perplexed about the delayed or absence of immediate police or UN response. The new prison is built within the perimeter of the Croix des Bourquets police station. (Check this website often for updates.)
Wealthy Clifford Brandt arrested for kidnapping, victims rescued -2012

Ezili Dantò Note:
Djab Pa Manje Djab An Ayiti…

Kidnapping And Murder Ringleader, Haiti Oligarch Clifford Brandt, From The Billionaire Brandt Family In Haiti, Goes Free

A spectacular prison break occurred around 10:30 or 11:00 a.m. in the morning on August 10, 2014 in Haiti. Nearby vendors reported hearing lots of gunshots as 10 to 15 heavily armed commando-dressed gunmen descended upon the prison in Croix des Bouquets Haiti. Haiti authorities, however, say the breakout originated from inside the prison. The prison is located to the northeast of the Port au Prince capital and is where millionaire-kidnapping ringleader, Clifford Brandt, from the billionaire Brandt family, was being held since Oct. 22, 2012.
Witnesses say there was no battle from the guards inside, while other testimonies report at least one or more National Penitentiary Administration (APENA) guards were killed or injured. In the rampage, our on the ground Haiti sources report that 100 or so prisoners fled the prison, running in every direction. Others say 100 or so inmates where left in the prison after the break.
Ezili Dantò vèvè - HLLN
Ezili Dantò vèvè – HLLN
The post-earthquake, Canadian financed prison held between 800 to899 inmates according to varying sources. Besides Clifford Brandt, another right-wing government affiliated crime boss and accused kidnapper, Woodley Ethéard aliasSonson Lafamilia, also escaped.
Sources say the confessed kidnapping ringleader, Clifford Brandt, from the billionaire Brandt family, was probably quietly smuggled out of the prison long before the prison break occurred. The very public “escape” narrative is the charade to make his absence official – look like an escape instead of a typical clandestine Haiti oligarchy mafia action.
Knowledgeable Haiti insiders opine that the Clifford Brandt prison break could not have happened without high-level inside help. Brandt is reported to be a long time friend of US-selected Haiti President, Michel Martelly. The police officers who were arrested as part of Brandt’s kidnapping posse were already set free by a Haiti judge. It’s reported that even members of the National Palace security detail were on Brandt’s payroll. Haiti experts say that contrary to what’s being initially served, incorporate media headlines, this prison break was not some random, street-gangrelated, prison break. (Haiti gang raids jail and frees inmates; Armed raiders attack prison, free inmates in Haiti.)
They point out that the Croix des Bouquets maximum security prison facility is located not too far away from a UN/MINUSTAH sub-base. But it’s reported the authorities didn’t show up for three hours or so after the allege “escape.”
Various witnesses also confirmed that Haiti police reinforcement and government authorities did not arrive on the scene of the prison break until around 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. Then began a massive search, house-by-house, but not for some three hours or so, after the escape. By then, the authors of this Brandt cover-up, some say, were probably already out of the country on some private colonially-paid-for plane, laughing their heads off. The facts are still coming in. People are perplexed about the delayed or absence of immediate police or UN response. The new prison isbuilt within the perimeter of the Croix des Bourquets police station.
It’s likely, one Haiti source explains, the corrupt Haiti oligarchs/mercenary familieshad reached an agreement with their white colonial paymasters for Clifford Brandt and his accomplices safe passage, long before the prison break. While the manhunt begins in Haiti, experts believe Clifford Brandt has enough money, access and criminal knowledge to trade that will keep justice implementers looking away. Brandt, they opine, is probably already sitting back in some General Raoul Cedras-like asylum location, financed and supported by those same US-Euro intelligence folks, involved in the kidnapping/drug/sex/organ-trafficking enterprises and global money laundering racket.  Those enterprises are the “businesses” the transnationals’ and their local enforcers and stakeholders, often painted as the arbiters of law and order, engage in with total impunity.
The only people in Haiti who seem to go to jail and stay there are the very poor and those Haitians who actually serve the poor, like Jean Lamy Maltunes. Point in fact, Guy Philippe is a DEA-suspected drug dealer and right wing death squad leader. This Guy Philippe who murdered his way into Haiti operating the US-funded paramilitary wing for Group 184 that helped the US Special Forces, take down the democratically-elected Aristide-Neptune government in 2004, even ran for president in 2006. But neither the UN troops nor the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) could find him in Haiti. His partner, Louis Jodel Chamblain. still roams free in U.S. colonially occupied Haiti.
Haiti arrested Clifford Brandt, son of businessman Fritz Brandt accused of kidnapping, October 23, 2012
Haiti arrested Clifford Brandt, son of businessman Fritz Brandt accused of kidnapping, October 23, 2012
US colonial paymasters generally won’t allow the arrests of the subcontracted Haitians, their own destabilizing operatives. Not even those who’ve gone rogue. It’s also a logistically difficult task to always reign in their Black opportunists working for empire in Haiti. First, because the suspected billionaire Haiti families involved with the Brandt illegal sidelines, are well able to pay to get a visa, passports to anywhere or simply to make up their transport papers to travel out of the country. Haiti has the most billionaires in the Caribbean. They operate under the radar of journalistic scrutiny and have access to their own planes, boats, multiple homes, businesses and international criminal escape routes, beginning with their interconnected families and business monopolies in the Dominican Republic, reaching all the way across the Atlantic to their Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian, French and European dual citizenship havens. Not to mention the Haiti oligarchs mostly run the Haiti import-export businesses, have access to containers, ports and actually staff the local Haiti consulate franchises across the globe.
The United States trains the Haiti police and customarily uses them to preserve US corporate interests against Haiti national interests and as infiltrators and secret agents for empire. It’s been documented Clifford Brandt, like Guy Phillipe, had Haiti police on his criminal payroll and probably have done enough jobs for the white colonist paymasters  – which trains the Haiti military forces – that they’re both more of a liability in jail than out of it.
Haiti is an international crime scene. This open secret is intricately weaved into the neocolonial (Black ruled US colony) structure imposed, top down, by the Western imperialists. It’s an international crime scene with the biased United Nation acting as the colonial military force for the United States, leading the crimes, from child molestation, trafficking and rape, to legitimizing the Special Forces kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide, to importing the deadly cholera virus with total impunity, to giving the Haiti police firepower protection as they kick Haiti peasants off their offshore island homes, making way for high level land and Haiti resource thefts.
Haiti oligarchs like Brandt are, with few exceptions, accomplices in the disenfranchising of the Black masses. The Internationals wouldn’t want someone like Brandt or a paid enforcer like Guy Philippe to tell what they know about the real white supremacist crimes and corruptions going on in neocolonial Haiti.   (See, the high level connections and our extensive coverage when Clifford Brandt was first apprehended and the US sent in the FBI to investigate. Go to: Clifford Brandt Kidnapping Ring Busted as Clintons with Hollywood Celebrate Haiti Sweatshop;  and check- Police search for kidnapping suspects with ties to Presidency; and “Criminal state”, decries population after release of wife of Sonson Lafamilia.)
Confessed crime boss, Clifford Brandt, escape Haiti prison-August 10 2014
Confessed crime boss, Clifford Brandt, escape Haiti prison-August 10 2014
The Haiti government has put up a reward for the recapture of Clifford Brandt. It’s to be hope that justice will actually prevail?
But the Clifford Brandt kidnapping and murdering ring was revealed, in 2012 by localand international investigators, to be one of most sophisticated and powerful criminal syndicate, not just in Haiti but the Caribbean. During questioning after his arrest, the crime boss implicated the eldest son of the President of Haiti, Olivier Martelly, as part of his kidnapping ring, along with the sons of the country’s other billionaires. Clifford Brandt allegedly confessed that he is only number #4 within the leadership hierarchy of this well-dressed, establishment-credentialed group of gangsters connected to the Caribbean oligarchy. If that is so, our Ezili Dantò Witness Project experts believe the named and un-named higher ups in Brandt’s transnational criminal syndicate, most likely helped author his escape.
The opportunistic escape of Sonson Lafamilia, also a reported President Martelly-connected crime boss, is subject to similar analysis.
Djab pa manje djab an Ayiti. Yo manje ti inosan selman – Devils don’t hurt the guilty. They mostly hurt the innocent.
Ezili Dantò of HLLN,
August 10, 2014

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